City of Malden IYO

Fur Arrimaha: 1,373 Arrimaha xidhmay: 93,157 Arrimaha la Qiray: 555
  • 1440-1458 Salem St Malden, MA, 02148, USA - Malden Ward 8
    This is, (should be) a sidewalk; instead there is massive overgrowth, with important signage obstructed and trash strewn throughout. This issue has been brought to the city's attention several times - the last time on this page over a YEAR ago. - This is either city of Malden owned property or Overlook Ridge or Massachusetts State.
    You harass/retaliate against taxpaying homeowners for complaining about legitimate issues, yet a wealthy land owner/developer or, state or city, can leave our street (not a neighborhood) looking like this for years - years! This sight qualifies as a third offense under "Malden City Ordinance 9.11".
  • OvergrowthLa qiray
    172 Belmont Street Malden, MA, 02148, USA - Malden Ward 1
    This resident is allowing their property to fall into disrepair. The backyard is full of trash which cannot even be seen in this picture because the grass and weeds have overgrown the entire area which is providing rodents a natural cover to roam free. Also, from this picture you can see the overall structure of the upstairs back porch is in violation of safety codes as it is falling apart. Lastly, right above this dilapidated porch is a gaping hole that leads into the attic that a family of squirrels has now made their home, which could in the future lead to wire damages within the home and potentially cause a concern for a fire.
  • OvergrowthLa qiray
    323 Summer St Malden, MA, 02148, USA - Malden Ward 3
    Property is a problem property . Repeat offender .absentee landlord. Police activity and serious garbage on front porch. This property is legal single with an in-law but there are more people than that.
  • Fellsmere Pond Malden, MA 02148, USA - Malden Ward 3
    the algae in Fellsmere pond is unbalanced- who can I contact about adding plants to the ecosystem to prevent damage?
  • OvergrowthLa qiray
    113 Cherry St Malden MA 02148, United States - Malden Ward 5
    Sidewalk is impassable
    Cut hedge or tree box or both
  • OvergrowthLa qiray
    18 Vernon St Malden MA 02148, United States - Malden Ward 4
    Can someone please have the owner remove all of the overgrowth against all of the fencing as it's growing through the fencing and is a haven for critters. Thank you.
  • OvergrowthLa qiray
    30 Rutland St Malden MA 02148, United States - Malden Ward 5
    Not sure who owns home, been vacant for awhile. Weeds and grass need to be cut
  • 36 Henry Street Malden, MA, 02148, USA - Malden Ward 7
    There is an excess of black swallow wort growing in between the two city fences that are abutting this property. There are trees that have sprouted in between the fences. The fence is falling and we are overrun with the black swallow wart that we cannot treat because of the two fences. There are trees grown into the chain link as well, which is dangerous.
  • OvergrowthLa qiray
    Cheever Rd Malden, Massachusetts, 02148 - Malden Ward 8
    Severe over growth for years and nothing has been done about it. I have several issues with deliveries and people locating my home. I have a neighbor who has tree stumps and big pieces of cut trees on Cheever and intruding/spilling OVER onto my property especially the leaching field for our septic tank
  • OvergrowthLa qiray
    45r Richardson Street Malden, MA, 02148, USA - Malden Ward 5
    Bushes and trees, including the beginning of what looks like a maple tree are growing against the fence towards my home from the cemetery. I am hoping it can be removed. It is too much to upkeep. I am also concerned, because I figure eventually some of these tree roots will affect my foundation. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
  • OvergrowthLa qiray
    20 Lake Street Malden, MA, 02148, USA - Malden Ward 6
    20 Lake Street is a foreclosure. There are people living here not taking care of the property. It has been a problem for the neighbors for five years. Overgrown grass and bushes. There is a discarded car battery that has been sitting in the driveway for 4 months. This is a hazmat problem.
  • OvergrowthLa qiray
    74 Pine St Malden, MA 02148, USA - Malden Ward 3
    We walk by this house every day and each day it gets worse. The house is not occupied by the owners, it's a room rental house. Obviously the owners don't care about the house. The grass is 2 feet tall and it looks awful.