
  • Animal Issues La Kaydiiyey
    30 River Ct Jersey City, NJ, 07310, USA - The Waterfront
    Please enforce pet waste, feces cleaning by pet owners on the Newport boardwalk from the Ellipse to Lefrak point Lighthouse. We need fines on people who do not cleanup after their pets all year long. We cannot take 4 steps without stepping on uncleaned dog waste in this section of boardwalk.
    As residents, we request regular disinfection of this section of boardwalk, as pet waste contains a lot of germs which can spread to humans. We are already in the middle of a pandemic.
  • Business Complaint La Kaydiiyey
    Thomas Gangemi Dr Jersey City, NJ, 07310, USA - The Waterfront
    My wife who is East Asian, recently experienced severe abuse as she was passing the waterfront construction gate in Thomas Gangemi drive, which is owned by Newport rentals.
    As she was running, a group of construction workers approached her and started shouting abusing terms and making threatening gestures. When she tried to run away, they created even more noise and started shouting abuses at her.
    This is a hate crime and misogynistic.
    Also the construction truck frequently speeds out of the gate without looking for crossing pedestrians and is a accident hazard.